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November Client Of The Month: Kathleen Reynolds

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    Don’t let Kathleen Reynolds fool you—hidden by a gentle spirit and kindness, is the fight and strength of an army. Kathleen Reynolds, twenty-two year breast cancer survivor, volunteer, and proud mother, is the type of person we should all strive to be. She is also our November Client Of The Month.

    Kathleen was not only a victim of careless driving in November of 2012 but again in January of 2015.

    Stopped at a red light on Creighton and 9th Avenue, Kathleen and her son were rear ended by a young, negligent driver moving at full speed.

    “All I remember is the crash sounding like a toolbox smashing on the ground, and my neck started to feel hot—it was burning,” Kathleen said.

    She was transported to the hospital by ambulance but released later that night.

    Kathleen and her husband, dedicated, disciplined workers by nature, both former Navy, decided to face the accident on their own.

    “I’d never thought about hiring an attorney,” Kathleen said.

    But over time Kathleen’s neck pain grew so debilitating that minimal help from the at-fault-driver’s insurance company, and self will, were not enough.

    “I’d seen the billboards and asked around,” Kathleen said. “Michles & Booth was the clear choice.”

    Kathleen sang the praises of our support staff, and team approach to serving clients.

    “The responsiveness of everyone was incredible,” she said.

    We believe in keeping our clients informed as we move through their case, and clients like Kathleen make our job easy.

    Committed to rehabilitating her injuries, Kathleen was vigilant about her chiropractic care at the Gulf Coast Pain Institute.

    “All I wanted was to be normal again, nothing special. I didn’t want to be in pain,” Kathleen said.

    Her greatest fear, distracted drivers.

    “They have no idea what other people have to endure when they hit them.”

    Founding partner Marcus Michles got his team on board and secured Kathleen a settlement sum that exceeded her expectations.

    But more than money, Kathleen wanted her life back.

    “I had to start relying on others more than ever,” Kathleen said.

    Working in HR at Sacred Heart Hospital for 20 plus years, caring for her son with cerebral palsy, keeping up with her daughter in Arkansas, and her grandchildren, Kathleen thrives on a full plate.

    “I appreciate the ability to be active⏤it’s who I am,” she said.

    Kathleen was excited to return to work after her accident, bringing wisdom and muscle to the Ann L. Baroco Center for Breast Health every day. Unfortunately, stopped at a red light on Airport and 9th Avenue, Kathleen was once again rear ended.

    “This time I didn’t wait,” Kathleen said, “I knew who to call.”

    We understand that asking for help is difficult, and that relying on other people takes a special type of courage. But victims must seek help immediately. Many of our clients, like Kathleen, lead busy lives; Our clients are hard working people who want to heal and be compensated for their trouble, simply so they can get back to the people they love and their routine. We encourage victims to call us at (850) 820-9252.

    Today Kathleen is feeling better, more mobile, and grateful for the improvements she’s experienced due to a cervical fusion performed by Dr. Mark Giovanini. She now allows her son to help with house projects, and reminds herself constantly to “take it slow and steady.”

    “It’s been a long road but I can’t say enough about Marcus and his staff,” Kathleen said.

    We’re truly grateful to know Kathleen Reynolds. Thank you

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