People holding hands on a hospital bed

Supporting a Loved One After a TBI | Michles & Booth, P.A.

A traumatic brain injury can happen to anyone in any setting. Whether it’s from a fall or an act of violence, these types of injuries are devastating and can have long-lasting effects on a person’s daily life. Here’s what you should know about TBIs and how to support a loved one who just suffered from one.

Understanding The Injury

The severity of a TBI can range anywhere from mild to severe, depending on how hard the impact was. Mild injuries tend to resolve in a few weeks, but severe injuries can have long-term and permanent symptoms. Some symptoms people with traumatic brain injuries suffer from are:

  • Dizziness
  • Slurred speech
  • Memory loss
  • Headaches

In the case of a severe injury, a patient may go into a coma, vegetative state, or maybe pronounced brain dead. It’s essential to understand that the trajectory of your loved one’s life has changed forever, and you need to be as supportive as possible.

Get To Know The Triggers

When you suffer from a TBI, your senses are dramatically affected, causing distress in some situations. Busy spaces, bright lights, and loud noises may cause your loved one to become overwhelmed. Make sure you’re communicating with your loved one efficiently on what is and is not bothering them. If an environment is too overwhelming for them, take them out and see how you can assist them with recharging.

Be Patient

The process of recovery is a long one. Expect some frustration and impatience from your loved one as they can no longer do simple tasks. They may become hostile after some activities, but it’s important to remember they aren’t frustrated with you. If you really want to support your loved one during this time, educate yourself on their injury so you can better understand where their pain is coming from. Learning can help you practice your patience when assisting your loved one on their journey.

Avoid Unhelpful Behaviors

As much as you want to help in every way possible, sometimes you need to let them do things on their own. With a severe injury like this, you need them to get in as much practice as possible, even if they get a little overwhelmed. If they do fail a few times, it’s okay to step in. But training the brain with small everyday tasks is the best way to get them back on their feet. Even if you feel like you’re doing nothing by stepping aside, you’re doing wonders.

Let Us Help

Brain injuries are hard to work with since you can’t exactly tell what’s going on. We have worked with a multitude of clients who have been in the same situation, and we know exactly what you’re going through. The Michles & Booth, P.A. team is here to help you when you’re ready. If you’re loved one sustained injuries from the negligence of another, give us a call at 850-438-4848 or fill out this form for a consultation. Don’t let a negligent party make you a victim twice.

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