Is My Car Accident Job Related? - Michles & Booth, P.A. Blog

Unfortunately, people are involved in car accidents every single day. Many times, the car accidents occur within the course and scope of employment. This leads to the question of “Do I need a workers’ compensation lawyer or just an auto accident lawyer?”

When is a workers’ compensation claim valid after a car accident?

There are certain times when you are in an auto accident that it will be a valid workers’ compensation claim. Many car accidents occur while people are on their way to or from work. This generally falls under the going and coming exception that would preclude an individual from workers’ compensation benefits. However, there are certain situations that would make a car accident on the way to or from work compensable.

For example, if you are transporting materials for your employer or performing a special errand and get in an automobile accident you would be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. Similarly, if you are driving for any work activity during the day, the car accident is compensable.

Many clients tell me that when they report their accident to their employer they are told it’s not a valid workers’ compensation claim. This is likely incorrect.

Not sure if workers’ compensation applies? Contact us for a free consultation.

If you have had the misfortune to have suffered an automobile accident and want to know if you are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits, you should consult with an attorney as soon as possible.  Contact Michles and Booth for a free consultation.  Don’t be a victim twice!

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