Five Benefits of Car Accident Attorneys - Michles & Booth, P.A. Blog

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, why should you hire a car accident attorney? The insurance adjuster is saying you don’t need an attorney. Is that true? Here are some reasons that you should hire an attorney to handle your case.

Car accident attorneys know your legal rights.

Did you know you do not have to give a statement to the at-fault driver’s insurance company? Or that the insurance company cannot obtain your prior medical records without your consent? Car accident law is complex, and “you don’t know what you don’t know.” Your attorney can ensure your legal rights are protected.

Car accident attorneys know the value of your case.

Insurance carriers will often make “low-ball” offers in days immediately following your car accident, in an attempt to close the file before the true nature of your injuries are discovered. Do not settle for less than you deserve. Although every case is unique, your car accident attorney can advise you on a typical settlement value for similar cases.

Car accident attorneys can take your case to court.

As Marcus Michles discusses in his video blog “Why Get a Florida Lawyer?”, attorneys have two tools: negotiation and litigation. If we cannot talk it out with the other side, we must litigate, and take the case to court. Without an attorney, the insurance company feels no threat of litigation and hence no risk. Trying to negotiate with an insurance company without the threat of litigation is like going to a fight with one arm tied behind your back.

Car accident attorneys can help you find quality medical care.

Your attorney can put you in touch with highly-regarded doctors in the community from all medical specialties. If you do not have health insurance, your attorney may be able to get you to a physician on a Letter of Protection.

Car accident attorneys can ease the stress of being involved in a car crash.

Being in a car accident is always stressful. Hiring an experienced car accident attorney will allow you to focus solely on overcoming your injuries and returning your life to normal. Your lawyer will handle the legal aspects of the claim and provide you all the information you need to make wise and informed decisions on YOUR case.

Call Michles and Booth at 850-438-4848 for a free consultation with an experienced car accident attorney today.

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