a driver using a car's infotainment system

Are Infotainment Systems Distracting?

Most new vehicles include some type of center console screen as a standard feature. These consoles, or “infotainment systems,” can range from providing basic features like radio stations, time, and weather, to more sophisticated software such as Apple CarPlay, Pandora, GPS tracking, and more.

But, just because a feature is standard on most new vehicles, does that mean it is safe?

Are Infotainment Systems Distracting?

There is no doubt that infotainment systems have benefits for drivers. They may discourage drivers from holding or using their smartphones while driving because many of the infotainment system’s features can be activated by voice commands so the driver can keep both hands on the wheel.

However, it cannot be argued that having a large, glowing screen right beside the driver provides significant distraction as well. Some of the more distracting apps on many infotainment systems include:

  • Calling and texting interfaces
  • Animated GPS maps
  • News apps
  • Social media apps

Most of these infotainment system apps are not needed for a driver. However, auto manufacturers know that we live in a digital age, and the instant access to several different apps at all times is appealing, even for drivers operating a car.

There is no doubt that certain available apps, like the news apps and social media apps, are unnecessary and provide more of a hindrance than a help to a driver who is trying to operate their vehicle safely.

Such apps can be particularly dangerous because they may distract all three forms of a driver’s attention. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), using apps or electronic devices while driving can divert a driver’s visual, manual, and cognitive attention. This greatly increases the risk of a crash.

Injured by a Distracted Driver? Contact Us Today

The plethora of technology available to us makes many activities more dangerous, simply because our attention is diverted at almost all times. When this happens to a driver, the consequences can be deadly.

If you or someone you love has been harmed by a distracted driver, our Florida personal injury attorneys are here to help. We have helped countless clients recover the compensation they deserve after a devastating accident, and we may be able to do the same for you.

Call Michles & Booth, P.A. at 850-438-4848 to schedule a free consultation.

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