two people riding in a car

Can a Passenger Ever Be Liable for a Car Accident?

While we don’t always consider them as such, the passengers in our car can pose a significant distraction. Sometimes, their distracting behavior can contribute to a car crash. Learn whether a distracting passenger can ever be held liable for damages in this situation.

Who’s Ultimately Liable for a Car Crash?

Car accident laws vary from state to state. The state of Florida recognizes no-fault accident laws, which means that after a car accident, you typically need to file a claim with your own insurance company to get compensation for medical bills and other financial losses, regardless of who caused the crash.

So, the question of whether a distracting passenger can be held liable for a car crash is essentially moot in the state of Florida, because fault does not determine the party who is liable for damages.

However, in at-fault states, in which the driver who caused the crash (and their insurance company) are responsible for the resulting damages, the answer to this question may be different.

Ultimately, the driver of any vehicle is responsible for the safety of their vehicle’s environment. This requires a driver to ask passengers to calm down if they are distracting to the point of danger. Therefore, it’s rare for a passenger to be held liable for a distracted driving accident.

There are certain situations, however, when a passenger may be held liable for a crash. This would involve the passenger taking a direct action to cause the crash, such as grabbing the steering wheel and taking away the driver’s control of the vehicle.

Injured by a Distracted Driver? Contact Us Today

Despite the fact that Florida is a no-fault state, insurance companies can still stiff claimants on the full compensation they deserve. If you have been injured by a distracted driver and are having trouble negotiating with your insurer, Michles & Booth, P.A. is here to help. We have assisted many clients recover the compensation they deserve after a devastating accident, and we may be able to do the same for you.

Call Michles & Booth, P.A. at 850-438-4848 to schedule a free consultation.

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